Monday, September 9, 2013

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another

That subject is 100% truth, and it seems to be even truer as I am on the precipice of turning 30 years old. I'M FALLING THE HECK
Whether it's work or my personal life, it is always SOMETHING. For example, I am currently sitting, no laying, in a lopsided position on the couch. There's a gob of toothpaste covered in gauze topped with an ice pack resting on my right side, about bra-line. Why? Well, let me start at the beginning...
It was the end of July. I was on a Kennedy family vacation in Tennessee with my boyfriend. After the hike up, around, down and all over the Mountain of Death, I acquired TWO incredibly painful blisters on the backs of both heels. I couldn't wear shoes for a month, and I still have 'blister scars'.
Fast forward to right before Labor Day weekend. I'm doing laundry. There, near the doorway of the laundry room of our apartment building, was lurking a small, yet dangerous, puddle of water. And down I went, landing square on the knee. The result? An air cast for a sprained ankle and a knee brace for a pinched meniscus. My knee is still messed up.
And now, back to the awkward position and ice pack. Late last week I discovered a painful irritation on the side of my upper abdomen. It appears to be a spider bite, and it's a bad one. The redness and pain is out of control. I've been working my way through various home remedies, so far to not much relief. Next up is the salt or garlic remedy!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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